土の教室 Clay Workshop終了しました(finished)
CLUB RIOでは、江北町出身の陶芸家・唐川先生の指導のもと、RIOの森の土を使ってモノを作るワークショップを定期的に開催していきます。
このプロジェクトのキッカケは、CLUB RIOに訪れた唐川先生が、「江北町一帯の土は陶芸に適した性質を持っているんですよ」の一言からでした。
We are using clay from Rio's forest, making bricks. Hoping to create a sustainable cycle with the help of a ceramics artist.
Under the guidance of Mr. Karakawa, a professional potter born and bred in Kohoku town, we are holding regular workshops at Club Rio.
It all begun when Mr. Karakawa, who was visiting Club Rio at the time, pointed out that the soil there had good properties, making it suitable for pottery.
"I wonder if we can make something, using the clay from Club Rio? Creating a lifestyle, producing nice things without spending a lot of money.."
An exciting new project, yet to take shape. Starting September 2015.
We are recruiting new participants!

Let's try to create something using the soil from Rio's forest! …I wonder what we can make today?? It was the beginning of a new adventure.

Collecting clay from the forest. A gift from nature.

Spreading out the clay soil we collected, removing pebbles, insects and such.

Furthermore sifting the soil, until it becomes smooth.

シートの上から全体重をかけて踏み!踏み! これは…!うどんづくりに似ていますね^^;
Putting your entire body weight into stepping on the soil from above the sheet! This part is very similar to making udon noodles ^^;

Moulding it into a cup. This looks fun =D

They are done when completely dried in the sun! ...But what is this?

定 員:20名
First project: Clay oven workshop
Making bricks from familiar soil, then using those bricks to make a clay oven.
A total of 6 classes. Starting September 14, 2015
Capacity: 20 people
Participation fee: 1500 yen for each class