「ポニージュジュ出張」プログラム "Pony Juju visit" program

"Pony Juju visit" program
We will visit, such as nursery schools and kindergartens and events venue in the RIO (horse trailer)!
It will come to your town, such as petting or bait spear experience with horses.

プログラム内容 Program content
JUJUはブラッシングしてもらうのが大好き! スタッフが指導しますので、やさしくブラッシングしてあげましょう。すぐにお友達になれますよ。
Brushing and caring for the horses
JUJU and MAX both love getting brushed and cuddled with. Our staff will teach you how to brush them gently, becoming instant friends!

実際に馬に乗って散策できます。初心者の方はスタッフが丁寧に指導いたします。 馬のペースを体感したり、ゆっくり歩かせたり、馬とコミュニケーションをとりましょう。
Horseback riding
Experiencing horseback riding, either inside the paddock and horseriding grounds, or going for a walk by the nearby pond. You can experience the horse's pace, walking slowly, communicating with the horse.

Feeding the horses
Let's try to feed the horses their favourite foods; apples and carrots.
It might be a little scary in the beginning, but rest assured, our staff will be there to give you guidance and tips (^ ^)

活動実績 Activities
体験者の声 Impressions
JUJU came to our school as a PTA event. We spent a previous time!
JUJU's big eyes had been sparkling like a marble. She also likely to have said to me something.
JUJU's hair is fluffy. It was warm when i touch the body.
JUJU has something special power to derive a lot of children smile.

- JUJU出張プログラム
お申し込みから実施までの流れ Flow from Application to Implementation -
お問合せ お電話またはメール、お問合せフォームにてお気軽にお問い合わせください。
Contact Please feel free to contact us by phone or e-mail about the reservation.
詳細打合せ 実際にお会いして、具体的な内容を決定。
Appointment Briefing Having a meeting for the details.
実施 ⾺とのふれあいを楽しんでください!
Juju will visit you!

* It's possible to have pre-lecture before the event in addition.