CLUB RIO代表の永松とマックスが
Tenshi Shrine
Horseback Archery Revival
October 19th 2014. Counting 144 years from the last time it was performed at Tenshi shrine in Kamioda, Kohoku town, in the Edo period. Horseback archery was once more resurrected. Representing Club Rio, Ryota Nagamatsu and his horse Max served a major role in making this reality. We will present to you the inside story of the Tenshi shrine horseback archery performance and also the events of the day of revival.

The history of horseback archery in Kohoku town
According to Kohoku town history, horseback archery had been exhibited for 194 consecutive years at Tenshi shrine up until the Edo period, founded with the backing of the Shogunate.

永松は2004年から佐賀県内外で流鏑馬の射手を務めてきました。 当時からほとんどの場でマックスとコンビを組んできました。
As an archer
Ryota Nagamatsu had been performing horseback archery inside and outside the Saga prefecture since year 2004. It was almost always with Max as his partner.

3小さな頃から慣れ親しんだ天子社に恩返しを ─
Giving back to Tenshisha shrine, which he had been so close to since childhood
As a parishioner of the Tenshisha-shrine, he had been there to see shinto rituals and festivals ever since he was a little boy.
Ryota had an idea, hoping that maybe he could do something in return to Tenshisha shrine by bringing back horseback archery.
Thinking that his experience in working with horses could be useful, and with the help of the local community perhaps this could become reality. In December 2013, he made the proposal to revive horseback archery at Tenshisha shrine.

Preparing MAX for the event
Following up on MAX day by day, checking the rythm of his gait; an archer would be nothing without his horse. Always understanding their horse's condition, horse and man becoming one. Only then they will be able fire their arrows smoothly.

Making the arrows and targets by hand! The chairman of representatives: Mr. Taniguchi
The chairman of Tenshisha shrine representatives, Mr. Taniguchi is a master of craftmanship. The arrows and targets used on this day were all crafted by Mr. Taniguchi.
"It is difficult to find all the props for horseback archery unless someone makes them, and I had the tools to do so.
Reviving horseback archery at Tenshisha shrine might not have been possible if it wasn't for the passion and craftmanship of Mr. Taniguchi.

October 2nd 2014; Rehearsal at Tenshisha shrine.Confirming Max' positioning and movements before the big day. Meeting with the representatives, everyone were enthusiastic. Finally realizing how close they were.

And then on October 19th, the day of the Tenshisha Shrine autumn festival.
Tenshisha shrine was crowded by people who wanted to see horseback archery revived there for the first time in 144 years.

Feeling gratitude and hopefulness as we were writing a new chapter in the history of Kohoku
Entering a new era as we revived horseback archery. With brand new costumes and tools, everyone was looking forward to the performance.

Housha no gi
Normally Japanese horseback archery called "yabusame" is performed as the horse runs down a path, the archer shooting his arrows at high speeds. However, due to the Tenshisha shrine's path now being asphalt, it was not possible for Ryota and Max to gallop there. Thus it was performed walking and stopping at each mark, while the crowd were cheering them on. The crowd going wild every time they shot one of the 12 arrows used that day.

Bringing the community closer together through horseback archery
Thanks do horseback archery I was able to get to know people I'd never had a connection with. Preparing for the event, making the props and setting the venue, so many people came together in order to make this happen. I was very happy to have an opportunity to talk to all of them. While it is difficult to continue doing traditional military arts in this day and age, I feel very fortunate to have accomplished this. I hope I will be able to continue connecting with people through horseback archery, and I wish to contribute to the community.