To inherit the revived Yabusame
(horseback archery)
After 2 years from Yabusame revived in Kohoku Town after 144 years, we launched “Kids Yabusame Lesson” in 2016,
in order to pass on this important traditional culture and to raise budding archers.
Local children are our “hope”.
What is developed on children through the archer raising is immeasurable.
Our small challenge began, supported by many people such as RIO volunteers for horses,
and local neighborhoods who handcraft tools.

Launch of "Kids Yabusame Lesson" to raise budding archers
"Kohoku Town Kids Yabusame Lesson" was launched with 9 children who were in the 4th to 6th grades and live in Tenshisha Ujiko area.

Children experiencing the depth of traditional culture.
The children were nervous at first because they had to learn not only about horses but also archery. As they practiced every day, they improved their skills as well as acquired confident posture and attitude.

10月19日の天子社にてこども達はいよいよ流鏑馬を披露しました。こども達はもちろんですが、 地域の方々にとっても江北町でこども達によるやぶさめを観るのは初めて。観客から「カッコいい!」「将来自分もやってみたい!」という声をいただき、大きな自信へつながったことでしょう。
The day of performing Kids Yabusame!
Finally the children performed Yabusame in front of the audience at Tenshi Shrine on October 19. It was the very first time for them to perform, and also for local people in Kohoku Town to see Yabusame. The audience said “How cool!” “I wanna try Yabusame!”, so these comments must have brought much confidence to the small archers.

The 2nd year - aiming for further development
The children rode the larger gray horse “HOLY” instead of the pony “JUJU”. They learned to cherish horses and their riding techniques improved.

Dedication of Tenshi Shrine Yabusame ritual
"Kids Yabusame", aiming for being attached with local and for developing budding archers, entered the 2nd year. We are proud that they practiced a lot even during the summer vacation and were able to perform Yabusame with confidence.

New challenge - from the precincts to the approach
As our challenge of the 3rd year of Yabusame, we decided to revive it at the approach where the ancient horses had galloped originally. Since no one has seen it, we prepared for the event, imagining how Yabusame would have been acted out on the Tenshi Shrine approach.

The 3rd year - teaching and learning, a female archer was born.
RIO welcomed a girl who aimed to be the first female archer, and newcomers from outside of the town. Then children started teaching each other Yabusame each, and the senior 6th-grade archers considered the details of the programs.

本番で使用する”当り的”と”竹矢”。これまで地元の道具作りの名人谷口さんに全ての工程をお願いしていましたが、道具作りの継承もスタート! 子どもから大人までが共同作業で竹林から的の素材となる竹を切りだし、本番へ向けた前準備をおこないました。
Inheriting the skills of tool making
We had placed orders of “targets” and “bamboo arrows” used for the performance with Mr. Taniguchi, a local expert tool maker. However, the inheritance of tool making also began! Children and adults worked together to cut bamboo for arrows in the bamboo forest, and prepared for the Yabusame performance.

天子社境内から、舞台を参道へ移して初めて参道で矢を放ちます。ビッキーふれあい祭り2018のサテライト会場でもあり多くの観客がこども達を見守りました。 環境整備がまだ整っていないため、駆け上がる馬上から矢を放つことはできませんが、子どもたちは見事に大役をつとめました。 この日、148年ぶりに、天子社参道での流鏑馬が復活しました。
Yabusame at the shrine approach
This was the first time letting arrows fly after we moved the stage of Yabusame from the precincts to the approach of Tenshi Shrine. Another local event was also held at the shrine at the same time, so there was a large audience watching the children performing Yabusame. Although they could not release arrows from the galloping horses because the surroundings were not sufficiently prepared yet, they adequately played this important role. On this day, Yabusame at the approach of Tenshi Shrine was revived after a blank of 148 years.

準備から当日まで、地域の方々が様々なかたちで手助けをしてくださり、ご指導いただきました。 地域にはいろんな特技を持つ方がいらっしゃることを知り、人材は地域の宝だと改めて感じることができました。
Various local teachers
From the preparation to the day of performance, many local people helped and instructed in various ways. When we found out that they had so many kinds of skills, we realized even more that people are precious resources for the region.

Passing on remaining traditional culture in our local area to the next generation
As a result, passing on the local traditional culture with our loving horses leads to our town developing. We wish to return the benefits that we received from the locals through Yabusame in this way. We circulate the thankfulness for the town. We constantly do what we can do, in an enjoyable and earnest manner. Our challenges will carry on!